SONORA ExhibitioN

18 Nov - 18 DEC 2021

Mon - Sat: 1 - 7pm

Private View: 

Thu 18 Nov 2021: 7 - 10pm

(Admission free, RSVP needed)

Echo’s Studio

Rua Pelotas 400, Vila Mariana, SAO PAULO - BRAZIL


Sonora Exhibition explores the influence of sound and music on the visual arts.

Artists are often inspired by sonorous stimuli and use musical rhythms, structures, feelings and tones in their work to transform one art form into another.

Each artwork will be presented with their own audio source of inspiration to offer the visitors a wider-sensory experience. Aiming to enhance the synergy between the two creative fields, simultaneously speaking to our intellect, imagination and physical senses.

Private View

