Making Of ‘Light Art’

My process of creating my ‘Light Art’ images. They are 100% Photographs. I use Light Painting techniques (LED lights, stencils, bokeh, kaleidoscopes, programed LED lights, spirographs and other props).

Sometimes I overlay 2 pictures in a in-camera double-exposure but most of the pictures are made in one single long exposure.
The process involves a lot of trial and error and usually takes many hours to complete. It is also very challenging because it is done in the dark and the results are completely unexpected.

Making Of ‘Origamink’

In the series ‘OrigamINK”, I took pictures of transparent origami interacting with ink in a bowl of water. The process can be seen in the video.

Making Of ‘The Dark Side Of The Shard’

Pink Floyd’s album ‘The Dark Side Of The Moon’ has one of the most recognizable covers in the world. I had this idea of making a photo realistic picture of that cover using The Shard as the pyramid. The final result is commonly mistaken by a real event (instead of a photo montage).